Opening Polarbase LNG bunkering station
published on: 18 May 2017
Norwegian minister opening Polarbase LNG
Today Barents Naturgass announced the festive opening of Norway‘s largest LNG bunkering facility. The Polarbase LNG bunkering station in Hammerfest was opened in a ceremony by Norway‘s Oil and Energy Minister, Terje Søviknes. During here opening speach, Gudrun Rollefsen, the managing director said:
“We believe LNG will be increasingly important as the low-emission fuel for ships in the future. Battery operation may be useful for very short and defined ferry routes. However, for vessels that sail over slightly longer distances, LNG is still the best solution, Hence, the shipping sector has called for bunkering infrastructure to make the transition to LNG fuelled vessels. With our new facility Barents meets such a need, This bunkering facility allows easy and efficient access to LNG for vessels in traffic along the Norwegian coast, in the Barents Sea or through the Northern Sea route,”
Largest Norwegian LNG bunker terminal
The facility has a 1250 cubic metres (cbm) storage capacity, with maximum 90 tonne per hour transfer rate and 24/7 availability. As a consequence of the facility’s expansion, Barents naturgass can now bunker ships demanding 1000 cbm of LNG in one operation. As such, the Polarbase LNG station is the largest of its kind in Norway.
Other LNG bunker facilities
The company is noted to operate another two LNG bunkering facilities in Lofoten (Norway). Next to this, the company also offers truck-to-ship LNG bunkering along the coast line of Northern Norway.
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